Saturday, March 28, 2009


I was at Lowe's the other day and saw freesia and calla lillies in the gardening department. They are two of my most favorite flowers, so I decided I needed to put them in a planter on my porch. I am not much of a gardener, but how bad could putting a planter together be?

It actually was not all that difficult, once I got past step 2. Step 1, I poured the rocks, I bought for the bottom of the planter, into the planter. Step 2, is where I took the tab off the planter and it said, "drill a hole at the bottom of the planter before adding soil and plants." This may not seem like a difficult task and it might not of been, if I had a drill (lost it in the divorce, major battle with the ex over the power drill, lots of emotional scarring, I can't really talk about it...). So, I poured the rocks back out onto a nearby chair.

Rocks that are supposed to be in the planter.

Since I don't have a drill, I improvised! I used a hammer and a screwdriver. Let's just say this didn't work. In fact, I am actually down one screwdriver after I shattered the handle off the screwdriver in my vain attempts to put a hole in the bottom of the planter.

Planter Problems

So, there my planter, rocks and plants sat, on my porch for the better part of a week. Until my dad came over and drilled a hole in the planter for me. Here is what my finished planter looks like.

The final thing.

I don't know how long these plants will survive in the heat, but today, I am a gardener!

Red Freesia

Sometimes digging in the dirt can be good for the soul.

posted by Ditsy Chick @ 5:04 PM |


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