Tuesday, December 27, 2005

This Christmas Chocolate Is Brought to You From the Misers at Hershey's

I bought a tin of Hersey's Kisses for myself for Christmas. I knew I was going to need chocolate reinforcements throughout the weekend (yeah, I know I was just complaining about my ass, shhh - I can have it both ways, I am sure of it) and aren't kisses just the thing?


Notice the lovely amount of chocolate in the handy window they provide for you.

Here is what you get once you open it up.


I cried, literally, cried, when I saw this. This was all I had to get me through the weekend?


Nine candies?

It is a good thing I bought the kids some M&M's and I am not above raiding their candy.

Whew! Crisis averted!
posted by Ditsy Chick @ 9:21 AM |


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