Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Your Cheatin' Heart...
No, no it's not what you might be thinking. I did something terrible today, but not that....My oldest child has been sick for the past couple of days and we were all going bonkers in ourSo, I lied to my youngest kids and I asked my oldest not to tell. I also let him watch TV on a 'No TV' day. I might have taken him out to breakfast....as well and no, I did not take him to the bookstore to buy new books.....I don't know where they came from.....
I would tell my 4 year old, but he would come unglued and everyday for the rest of his life, he would cry and make sure I did not go back and pickup my eldest and go home with him. I am a guilt ridden mommy, but not one that is a glutton for punishment.
I did get a nice day of bonding with my eldest and I picked up a couple of trashy novels at the bookstore....can't wait for bed tonight, I'll be cuddling up with Nick, a rich bachelor in Florida, looking for the soon-be-transformed-from-fat-and-frumpy-career-gal to his dream girl! God, I love fantasies.....in this one, I am going to dream that he takes out the trash and clips my toenails without complaint...mmmmmmmmm